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Report No.

DT neutronics benchmark experiment on lead at JAEA-FNS

Ochiai, Kentaro; Kondo, Keitaro; Onishi, Seiki; Takakura, Kosuke; Sato, Satoshi; Abe, Yuichi; Konno, Chikara  ; Suzuki, Chihiro*; Yagi, Takahiro*

Lead is an important candidate material as multiplier of nuclear fusion reactor. Few DT neutron integral benchmark experiments were performed for lead so far. Therefore, we have carried out an integral benchmark experiment on lead at the DT neutron source facility of JAEA, FNS. A cubic lead assembly on a side of 45.3 cm was set up and was irradiated with the DT neutron source. Reaction rates of the $$^{27}$$Al(n,$$alpha$$)$$^{24}$$Na, $$^{93}$$Nb(n,2n)$$^{rm 92m}$$Nb, $$^{90}$$Zr(n,2n)$$^{89}$$Zr and $$^{115}$$In(n,n')$$^{rm 115m}$$In reactions were measured as fast neutron spectrum indices in the assembly. A small NE213 spectrometer was also used for measurement of neutron spectra in the assembly. A Monte Carlo calculation code, MCNP5, was adopted to calculate the above neutron spectra and activation reaction rates. Nuclear data libraries, JENDL-3.3, ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1 and FENDL-2.1, were used in the calculation. The calculation results of the three libraries except for JENDL-3.3 agreed with the measuring ones. In case of JENDL-3.3, some remarkable disagreements were found. From our investigations, it was pointed out that the inappropriate evaluation of the (n,2n) and inelastic cross sections of lead in JENDL-3.3 caused such disagreement.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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