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Report No.

Fluctuations of fossil pollen asseemblages from the Okute Basin, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan; Vegetation and climate records since marine isotope stage 9

Morita, Yoshimune*; Kamiya, Chiho*; Sasaki, Toshinori*; Miyagi, Toyohiko*; Sugai, Toshihiko; Yanagida, Makoto*; Furusawa, Akira*; Fujiwara, Osamu*

It is assumed that the variation of temperature and the precipitation with the climate change may affect geological environment such as the subsurface water flow. Therefore, as well as global climate change from the past to the present, investigation technology to grasp local climate change is indispensable. A palynological study was carried out using the sediment core taken from the Okute Basin, located in the northeast of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory. As a result, it was appeared that in a interglacial epoch, there was much precipitation around this area, and that in a glacial epoch, became colder and more arid, compared with Kinki region in the same latitude. This shows that the modern analog method with pollen data from the sediment of the inland basin is effective technique to estimate a local climate change.



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