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Report No.

Application of electron beam to environmental conservation

Hirota, Koichi; Parajuli, D.; Seko, Noriaki

Lignin in Japanese cedar wood powder was extracted in the form of lignophenol and was modified with ethylenediamine and trimethylamine groups using Electron-beam technology. The functionalized lignophenol adsorbents were then studied for the recovery of precious metals: Au, Pt, and Pd from urban mine. From the batch test of mixture solution containing equal molar concentration of various metal ions, the sorbent was found to hold selectivity for Au(III), Pd(II), and Pt(IV) ions only with negligible sorption for other metal ions like Cu(II), Co(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), and Zn(II). The biomass sorbent is expected to be an excellent material for recovering the precious metal from urban mine.



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