※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Spatial distribution and characteristics of fracture zones near a long-lived active fault; A Field-based study for understanding changes in underground environment caused by long-term fault activities

長大な活断層周辺における破砕帯の分布と産状について; 長期の内陸断層活動に伴う地下環境の変化を理解するための事例調査

丹羽 正和   ; 黒澤 英樹; 石丸 恒存 

Niwa, Masakazu; Kurosawa, Hideki; Ishimaru, Tsuneari


Fracture zone development has a substantial impact on long-term changes in the underground environment because fracture zones are leading candidates as groundwater flowpaths as well as a locus for mechanical disturbance by fracturing. For understanding fracture zone development we surveyed the spatial distribution and characteristics of fracture zones in an area 4 km to the north and 6 km to the south from the western part of the Atotsugawa Fault, a long-lived active fault in central Japan. This study suggests that fracture zones along the Atotsugawa Fault act as a major conduit controlling regional groundwater flow. Based on rock features and deformation fabrics at meso- and microscopic scales, once fracture zones had formed, epigenetic deformation was concentrated in the ancient fracture zones.



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分野:Engineering, Geological



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