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 年 ~ 

Decomposition of halophenols in room-temperature ionic liquids by ionizing radiation


木村 敦; 田口 光正; 近藤 孝文*; Yang, J.*; 永石 隆二 ; 吉田 陽一*; 広田 耕一

Kimura, Atsushi; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Kondo, Takafumi*; Yang, J.*; Nagaishi, Ryuji; Yoshida, Yoichi*; Hirota, Koichi


Much of this past research has focused on finding more effective reactions between charged reactive species in room temperature ionic liquid (RTILs), which have a coulombic field. Reactions in RTILs involving the charged reactive species, particularly solvated electrons, have been studied by the techniques of radiation chemistry. The reaction behavior of halophenols in RTILs were investigated by $$gamma$$ ray and pulsed electron radiolysis. The yield of CP decomposition in the RTILs was almost the same as that of solvated electrons formation. The yield of CP decomposition and phenol formation in the RTILs was low in the presence of electron scavengers such as nitrous oxide, indicating that solvated electrons primarily contributed to the decomposition of CP. The type of halogen group with the exception of fluorine had a negligible effect on the decomposition of halophenols in the RTILs. Therefore, RTILs could be applied as an reaction media for the reduction by ionizing radiation.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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