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Magnetization in the superconducting mixed state of the heavy-fermion compound UBe$$_{13}$$


清水 悠晴*; 池田 陽一*; 若林 琢巳*; 天谷 健一*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 日高 宏之*; 柳澤 達也*; 網塚 浩*

Shimizu, Yusei*; Ikeda, Yoichi*; Wakabayashi, Takumi*; Tenya, Kenichi*; Haga, Yoshinori; Hidaka, Hiroyuki*; Yanagisawa, Tatsuya*; Amitsuka, Hiroshi*

Static dc magnetization measurements in the superconducting mixed state of a single crystal UBe$$_{13}$$ were performed by means of a capacitance Faraday-force method down to 0.24 K. Below the upper critical field $$B_{c2}$$, not only a peak effect but also an additional broad anomaly have been observed in magnetization curves. We report superconducting phase diagram of UBe$$_{13}$$ obtained by our magnetization measurements, including these anomalies.



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分野:Physics, Condensed Matter



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