※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Design and trial manufacturing of the thermal shield for JT-60SA


神谷 宏治; 市毛 寿一; 本田 敦; 吉田 清

Kamiya, Koji; Ichige, Toshikatsu; Honda, Atsushi; Yoshida, Kiyoshi


The JT-60 is planned to be upgraded to a full-superconducting tokamak referred as the JT-60 Super Advance (JT-60SA) as one of the JA-EU Broader Approach projects. In the JT-60SA, the superconducting magnets are to be surrounded with the thermal shield to reduce the radiation heat from the plasma vacuum vessel and from the ambient temperature. This study describes the design concept and current status of the JT-60SA thermal shield followed by thermal analysis focusing on the vacuum vessel side thermal shield (VVTS). Subsequently, the structural analysis in the plasma operation mode and at assembly was conducted. Finally, the trial model of the 10 degree VVTS and its manufacturing tolerance are presented.



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