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Report No.

Maintenance concept for the SlimCS DEMO reactor

Tobita, Kenji; Uto, Hiroyasu; Kakudate, Satoshi; Takase, Haruhiko; Asakura, Nobuyuki; Someya, Yoji; Liu, C.

For high availability of DEMO operation, sector horizontal transport hot cell maintenance scheme was studied. Transport of sector with 730 tons is carried out using a wheeled platform. The driving force of pulling the sector into a cask is ball screws. The fulcrum of the ball screws is the cryostat wall so that a large pulling force is expected with no-counter balance. The cask containing the sector is delivered by air casters from the cryostat to the hot cell. For the maintenance scheme, new concepts such as transfer of the tilting forces of toroidal coils using ropes and shafts and supports for the tilting force using reinforced concrete floor or cryostat wall were proposed. Based on the maintenance concept, the period required for replacement of all sectors is estimated to be 35.5-67.5 days, satisfying the design target (shorter than 3 months).



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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