※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

中性子ビームによる氷天体の構造解明; 強誘電性の発現と物質進化

The Existence of ferroelectric ice on icy bodies in space; A Neutron diffraction study

深澤 裕

Fukazawa, Hiroshi


The complex behavior of water and the unusual properties of ferroelectric ice XI continue to attract much interest. Whether ice in the space exists as ice XI, is an important question, because long range electrostatic forces caused by the ferroelectricity might be an important factor for planet formation. From neutron diffraction experiments, we found the temperature and pressure conditions for the transformation of the largest fraction of ice into ferroelectric ice. It suggests that myriad big icy-bodies, which exist as dwarf planets and Kuiper Belt Object, consist of thick ferroelectric-ice surface. Furthermore, we report spectral and vibrational properties of ferroelectric ice investigated by inelastic neutron scattering and infrared absorption measurements. Because the spectral properties of ferroelectric ice are clearly different from those of ordinary ice, the distinct ferroelectric ice in the universe is detectable using infrared telescopes and planetary exploration.



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