※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Activities of Special Committee on "Quality Assurance of Accountancy Analysis for Safeguards"

角 美香; 駿河谷 直樹 ; 黒沢 明; 鈴木 徹 ; 久野 祐輔

Sumi, Mika; Surugaya, Naoki; Kurosawa, Akira; Suzuki, Toru; Kuno, Yusuke


For the long-term stable operation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities, it is essential to satisfy the requirements of IAEA safeguards agreement. The requirements to maintain and improve the precision of DA are supposed to grow along with nuclear fuel cycle fully in progress and Pu handling amount increases. In order to maintain long-term stability of quality level of accountancy analysis for safeguards, a special committee on "Quality Assurance (QA) for Accountancy / Safeguards analysis" was established at Atomic Energy Society Japan supported by INNN-Japan. Experts for safeguards analysis, reference materials, statistics and QA were gathered and drafted the committee standard document for isotope dilution mass spectrometry, the major accountancy analysis technique for Pu and U, supported Pu standard preparation at JAEA and summarized the items needed for QA of DA.



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