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Report No.

Fission track ages of the Miocene Mizunami and Iwamura Groups in southeastern Gifu Prefecture, central Japan

Sasao, Eiji   ; Danhara, Toru*; Iwano, Hideki*; Hayashi, Joji*

Fission track age dating was done on 14 tuff samples from the Miocene Mizunami and Iwamura Groups, distributed in the southeastern part of Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. The depositional ages are estimated to be as follows: about 17 Ma (the Hongo Formation) and 17-16 Ma (the Akeyo Formation) for the Mizunami Group, 20-18 Ma (the Agi Formation) and 17-16 Ma (the middle part of the Toyama Formation) for the Iwamura Group. In terms of correlation of the Mizunami and Iwamura Groups and the Kani Group on the west side of the Mizunami Group, the Akeyo and Hongo Formations of the Mizunami Group correlate with the Toyama Formation of the Iwamura Group and the Hiramaki Formation of the Kani Group, respectively.



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