※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Investigating 3S synergies to support infrastructure development and risk-informed methodologies for 3S by design


鈴木 美寿; 和泉 圭紀; 木本 徹; 直井 洋介 ; 井上 猛; Hoffheins, B.

Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Izumi, Yoshinori; Kimoto, Toru; Naoi, Yosuke; Inoue, Takeshi; Hoffheins, B.


In support of the 3S initiative, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been conducting detailed analyses of the R&D programs and cultures of each of the S areas to identify overlaps where synergism and efficiencies might be realized, to determine where there are gaps in the development of a mature 3S culture, and to coordinate efforts with other Japanese and international organizations. Lessons learned in these activities can be applied to developing more efficient and effective 3S infrastructures for incorporating into Safeguards by Design methodologies. In this presentation, a risk-informed approach regarding integration of 3S will be introduced. An initial examination of incident probability and postulated consequence analyses, which are tools familiar to the nuclear safety culture, will be applied to predict and evaluate inherent uncertainties of proliferation and security risks.



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