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Report No.

Fluorine analysis of human enamel around fluoride-containing materials under different pH-cycling by $$mu$$-PIGE/PIXE system

Komatsu, Hisanori*; Yamamoto, Hiroko*; Matsuda, Yasuhiro*; Kijimura, Taiki*; Kinugawa, Michihiko*; Okuyama, Katsushi*; Nomachi, Masaharu*; Yasuda, Keisuke*; Sato, Takahiro; Oikawa, Masakazu*

The purpose of this study was to determine F uptake into enamel around FCMs under different pH-cycling using the in-air $$mu$$-PIGE/PIXE system at TIARA. After pH-cycling, the caries progression in all materials was analyzed using transverse microradiography (TMR). The F and calcium distributions of the lesion in each specimen of FCMs were evaluated using PIGE/PIXE system. The amount of F in the outer 150 $$mu$$m of the lesion was then calculated for comparing F uptake. As a result, there was a difference in the caries progression between materials. In clinical setting, it is important to select FCM according to the caries risk. From F analysis, there was no significant difference in the F uptake from each material between the solutions, though there was significant difference between the materials.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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