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Ultrasonic measurements on the cage-structured clathrate compound U$$_3$$Pd$$_{20}$$Si$$_6$$


柳澤 達也*; 立岩 尚之   ; 真山 太一*; 齋藤 旬*; 日高 宏之*; 網塚 浩*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 根本 祐一*; 後藤 輝孝*

Yanagisawa, Tatsuya*; Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Mayama, Taichi*; Saito, Hitoshi*; Hidaka, Hiroyuki*; Amitsuka, Hiroshi*; Haga, Yoshinori; Nemoto, Yuichi*; Goto, Terutaka*

Ultrasonic measurements of U$$_3$$Pd$$_{20}$$Si$$_6$$ were performed in order to investigate elastic properties of the cage-structured compound U$$_3$$Pd$$_{20}$$Si$$_6$$. At temperatures over antiferromagnetic ordering at $$T_{rm N}$$ = 19 K, neither an up-turn anomaly nor frequency dependence of the elastic constants, regarding the ultrasonic dispersion (UD), was found. A drastic change of $$C_{44}$$ mode at $$T_{rm N}$$, in particular, implies a strong magneto-elastic coupling of 5$$f$$-electrons or a possible contribution of a ferroquadrupole interaction to the antiferromagnetism in U$$_3$$Pd$$_{20}$$Si$$_6$$.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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