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Report No.

IFMIF specifications from the users point of view

Garin, P.*; Diegele, E.*; Heidinger, R.*; Ibarra, A.*; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Kimura, Haruyuki; M$"o$slang, A.*; Muroga, Takeo*; Nishitani, Takeo; Poitevin, Y.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Zmitko, M.*

This paper summarizes the proposals and findings of the IFMIF Specification Working Group established to update the Users requirements and top level specifications for the Facility. Special attention is given to the different roadmaps of fusion path way towards power plants, of materials R&D and of facilities and their interactions. The materials development and validation activities on structural materials, blanket functional materials and non-metallic materials are analyzed and specific objectives and requirements to be implemented in IFMIF are proposed. Emphasis is made in additional potential validation activities that can be developed in IFMIF for ITER TBM qualification as well as for DEMO-oriented mock-up testing.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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