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Oxygen potentials of pyrochlore-type Am$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+y}$$

Otobe, Haruyoshi  ; Takano, Masahide ; Hayashi, Hirokazu ; Arai, Yasuo

The relations between the oxygen potentials and the oxygen-nonstoichiometry (${it y}$) of the pyrochlore-type Am$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+y}$$ for 1333 K were measured by the electrochemical method using a zirconia solid electrolyte and the mass changes by the oxidation and reduction. It was found that the oxygen potential of Am$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+y}$$ smoothly increased from -516.52 to 0 kJ/mol with increasing ${it y}$ from 0.0 to 0.56 at 1333K. The oxygen potentials of Am$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+y}$$ were higher than those of AmO$$_{2-x}$$ at the corresponding O/M by approximately 130 kJ/mol. The difference of the oxygen potentials between Am$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+y}$$ and AmO$$_{2-x}$$ was consistent with that between Pu$$_{2}$$Zr$$_{2}$$O$$_{7+y}$$ and PuO$$_{2-x}$$ considering the difference of the ionic radii between Am and Pu. This leads to the systematical understanding of the thermodynamic properties of the transuraniumm oxides.



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Category:Materials Science, Ceramics



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