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Report No.

Zinc isotope fractionation in anion exchange in hydrochloric acid solution

Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Nomura, Masao*; Fujii, Yasuhiko*; Ikeda, Atsushi  ; Takaoka, Toru*; Oguma, Koichi*

Zinc isotope fractionation in an anion exchange resin has been investigated in hydrochloric acid solution by chromatographic technique. It was found that the heavier zinc isotopes were located disproportionately in the solution phase. The isotope fractionation coefficient was varied from the order of 10$$^{-5}$$ to 10$$^{-4}$$ depending on the hydrochloric acid concentration. The maximum isotope fractionation coefficient was obtained in 1 $$M$$ hydrochloric acid, while the distribution coefficient of zinc became maximum at around 2 $$M$$ hydrochloric acid. This difference has been further discussed based on the calculated speciation and structural information derived from X-ray absorption spectroscopy.



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