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Detection of irradiated garlic blub using ESR spectroscopy, PSL and TL methods

亀谷 宏美*; 齊藤 希巳江*; 菊地 正博; 小林 泰彦; 鵜飼 光子*; 等々力 節子*

Kameya, Hiromi*; Saito, Kimie*; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Ukai, Mitsuko*; Todoriki, Setsuko*

電子スピン共鳴(Electron Spin Resonance: ESR)法,光刺激ルミネッセンス(Photo Stimulated Luminescence: PSL)法及び熱ルミネッセンス(Thermo luminescence: TL)法が照射ニンニクの検知に利用可能か否かについて検討した。線源は$$^{60}$$Co、線量は50$$sim$$180Gyとした。ESRスペクトルは、外皮の分析において$$g$$=2.00の1本線信号が観測され、信号強度は線量とともに増大した。照射処理したニンニクのPSL発光積算値は、非照射試料の値と比較して増加した。照射ニンニクのTLの発光極大温度は180$$sim$$220$$^{circ}$$C、非照射ニンニクは約300$$^{circ}$$Cとなり照射ニンニクを判別することができた。また、TL比は積分温度範囲が150$$sim$$250$$^{circ}$$Cのとき、照射ニンニクと非照射ニンニクが明確に区別された。以上のことから、ESR, PSL, TL法は照射ニンニクの判別に適用できる可能性が示唆された。特に、TL法は照射ニンニクの検知に実用的に有用であると結論した。

The detection methods of $$gamma$$ ray irradiated garlic blub were studied using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, photo stimulated luminescence (PSL) and thermo luminescence (TL). The radiation source was $$^{60}$$Co, the dose level was 50 to 180 Gy. The ESR spectra were consisted of one singlet signal at $$g$$ = 2.00. Upon irradiation, the intensity of the singlet signal was increased. The intensity of PSL signals from stem of irradiated garlic blub was increased as compared with that from non irradiated ones. In TL measurement the glow 1 curves of irradiated samples exhibited a maximum at temperature range of 180 to 220$$^{circ}$$C, whereas those of the non irradiated samples were observed at about 300$$^{circ}$$C. TL glow ratios calculated over the temperature range of 150 to 250$$^{circ}$$C were significantly smaller in non irradiated samples than in irradiated samples after one year storage. Thus irradiated garlic blub was identified by the shape of TL glow 1 curves and TL glow ratios. We concluded ESR, PSL and TL are suitable for detection method of irradiated garlic blub.



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分野:Food Science & Technology



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