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 年 ~ 


Real product manufacturing of vacuum vessel for JT-60SA

浅野 史朗*; 江尻 満*; 奥山 利久*; 柳 寛*; 菊地 淳史*; 水牧 祥一*; 芝間 祐介; 正木 圭; 逆井 章

Asano, Shiro*; Ejiri, Mitsuru*; Okuyama, Toshihisa*; Yanagi, Yutaka*; Kikuchi, Atsushi*; Mizumaki, Shoichi*; Shibama, Yusuke; Masaki, Kei; Sakasai, Akira


Based on the R&Ds including trial manufacturing of 20 deg. upper half mock-up, the real product manufacturing of vacuum vessel for JT-60SA has started since November 2009 at TOSHIBA Keihin Product Operations. The cross section of the VV is D-shaped and made of low cobalt content SUS316L. The height and outer diameter of the torus are 6.6m and 9.95m respectively. The weight is about 150 ton. The present status of the manufacturing is introduced in this poster presentation. 2009 for the inboard (IB) and since August, 2010 for the outboard (OB). Completed IB and OB 20-degree upper or lower segments for VV-D02 and VV-D03 will be connected into full 40-degree IB and OB segments from December, 2010. The welding between 40-degree IB and OB segments of the first 40-degree sector (VV-D02) is to be started at JAEA Naka Fusion Institute in 2011.



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