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Report No.

A Concerted mechanism between proton transfer of Zundel anion and displacement of counter cation

Koizumi, Akihito*; Suzuki, Kimichi*; Shiga, Motoyuki   ; Tachikawa, Masanori*

${it Ab initio}$ path integral molecular dynamics simulation of M$$^+$$H$$_3$$O$$_2^-$$ (M = Li, Na, and K) has been carried out to study how the structure and dynamics of low-barrier hydrogen-bonded Zundel anion, H$$_3$$O$$_2^-$$, can be affected by the counter alkali metal cation, M$$^+$$. Our simulation predicts that the quantum proton transfer in Zundel anion can be strongly coupled to the motion of counter cation located nearby. A smaller cation can induce larger structural distortion of the Zundel anion fragment making the proton transfer barrier higher, and hence lowers the vibration excitation energy. It is also argued that a large H/D isotope effect is present.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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