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Report No.

Progress of high-power and long-pulse ECRF system development in JT-60

Kobayashi, Takayuki; Isayama, Akihiko; Yokokura, Kenji; Shimono, Mitsugu; Hasegawa, Koichi; Sawahata, Masayuki; Suzuki, Sadaaki; Terakado, Masayuki; Hiranai, Shinichi; Sato, Fumiaki; Wada, Kenji; Hinata, Jun; Sato, Yoshikatsu; Ozeki, Masahiro; Takahashi, Koji; Kajiwara, Ken; Oda, Yasuhisa; Kasugai, Atsushi; Sakamoto, Keishi; Hoshino, Katsumichi; Moriyama, Shinichi

A new gyrotron operation technique to increase oscillation efficiency was developed on the JT 60 ECRF system. The electron pitch factor was optimized by controlling anode voltage within 0.1 s after the start of the operation. By applying this technique, the gyrotron output power of 1.5 MW for 4 s was recorded, for the first time. The reduced collector heat load at 1.5 MW operations was reduced by 20% and it will be acceptable for longer pulse operation. A new gyrotron with an improved mode converter was developed in order to demonstrate reduction of the stray radiation which had limited the pulse length. The stray radiation was reduced to 1/3 of that of the original gyrotron. A conditioning operation of the improved gyrotron is proceeding up to 31 s at 1 MW. These progresses significantly contribute to enhancing the high power and long pulse capability of the ECRF system toward JT 60SA.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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