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Report No.

IFMIF/EVEDA lithium test loop; Design and fabrication technology of target assembly as a key component

Kondo, Hiroo; Furukawa, Tomohiro  ; Hirakawa, Yasushi ; Nakamura, Kazuyuki ; Ida, Mizuho; Watanabe, Kazuyoshi; Kanemura, Takuji; Wakai, Eiichi  ; Horiike, Hiroshi*; Yamaoka, Nobuo*; Sugiura, Hirokazu*; Terai, Takayuki*; Suzuki, Akihiro*; Yagi, Juro*; Fukada, Satoshi*; Nakamura, Hiroo*; Matsushita, Izuru*; Groeschel, F.*; Fujishiro, Koji; Garin, P.*; Kimura, Haruyuki

The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activity (EVEDA) for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is proceeded as one of the ITER Broader Approach (BA) activities. The EVEDA Li test loop (ELTL) is aimed at validating stability of the Li target and feasibility of a Li purification system as the key issues. In this paper, the design of the ELTL especially of a target assembly in which the Li target is produced by the contraction nozzle is presented.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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