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Report No.

Long term integrity of overpack closure weld for HLW geological disposal, 2; Corrosion properties under anaerobic conditions

Kobayashi, Masato*; Yokoyama, Yutaka*; Takahashi, Rieko*; Asano, Hidekazu*; Taniguchi, Naoki ; Naito, Morimasa 

The corrosion behaviour of a carbon steel weld joint under anaerobic conditions was investigated to estimate the long-term integrity of the carbon steel overpack. The weld specimens in this study were produced using three welding methods: GTAW, GMAW and EBW. General corrosion was observed for each immersion specimen and the weld joint corrosion rate was the same as or less than that of the base metal. The hydrogen concentration absorbed during immersion testing was less than 2.48$$times$$10$$^{-5}$$ mol kg[Fe]$$^{-1}$$(0.05 ppm) after three years, a value regarded as having little influence on hydrogen embrittlement. The susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement was highest in the base metal, suggesting that there was little adverse effect on the weld joint from welding. The welded carbon steel overpack is assumed to maintain its resistance to corrosion as a disposal container for the expected lifetime under anaerobic underground conditions.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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