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Report No.

Ion beam irradiation with rice seeds for the Mutation Breeding Project of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA)

Tanaka, Atsushi; Nozawa, Shigeki; Hase, Yoshihiro; Narumi, Issei; Ishikawa, Hidetaka*; Koike, Aki*

For the spread of radiation application and development of ion beam breeding technique, ion beams have been utilized under the Mutation Breeding Project of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA). The purpose of rice breeding should be high yield and good quality in term of low amylose content or high protein content and other characters. Radiation sensitivity strongly depends on not only sub-species (indica or japonica) but also their cultivars. Therefore, precise data should be necessary for each cultivar. Several countries have already obtained survival curves and identified the optimal doses for mutation induction. The other countries will continue sensitivity tests and determination of the optimal doses for mutagenization.



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