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Magnetic anisotropy and spin-glass behavior in single crystalline U$$_2$$PdSi$$_3$$


Li, D. X.*; 木村 昭裕*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 二森 茂樹*; 四竈 樹男*

Li, D. X.*; Kimura, Akihiro*; Haga, Yoshinori; Nimori, Shigeki*; Shikama, Tatsuo*

We present the magnetic and transport properties of single crystalline U$$_2$$PdSi$$_3$$ measured with the magnetic field applied along two typical crystallographic directions. For both directions, a spin-glass state is confirmed to form at low temperature with the same spin freezing temperature 11.5 K, initial frequency shift 0.023 and activation energy 90.15 K in zero field. Strong anisotropy in magnetic and transport behavior is found to be a significant feature of U$$_2$$PdSi$$_3$$. The usual ferromagnetic-like anomaly in ac susceptibility and dc magnetization curves around 71 K is observed for $$H parallel c$$.



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分野:Physics, Condensed Matter



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