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 年 ~ 

Proliferation resistance analysis of plutonium from LWR during multi-recycling with MA in FBR


Permana, S.; 鈴木 美寿; 齊藤 正樹*

Permana, S.; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Saito, Masaki*


Trans-uranium (TRU) compositions of LWR and multi-cycle FBR have been loaded in the FBR design by adopting 4 fuel batches system. 800 days of cycle length was used to investigate the proliferation resistance of plutonium as well as core performance, during reactor operation. Different compositions of TRU as initial fuel composition affect to the fuel behavior, criticality condition and fuel breeding capability. It shows less excess reactivity and better fuel breeding for MA doping in the core. High decay heat (DH) and spontaneous fission neutron (SFN) compositions of plutonium which is mainly caused by high production of even mass of plutonium isotopes will be compared from both typical trans-uranium compositions of LWR and FBR.



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