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Report No.

Development of nondestructive and quantitative elemental analysis method using calibration curve between muonic X-ray intensity and elemental composition in bronze

Ninomiya, Kazuhiko; Nagatomo, Takashi*; Kubo, Kenya*; Ito, Takashi   ; Higemoto, Wataru  ; Kita, Makoto*; Shinohara, Atsushi*; Strasser, P.*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Saito, Tsutomu*

Elemental analysis of bulk materials can be performed by detecting the high-energy X-rays emitted from muonic atoms. Muon irradiation of standard bronze samples was performed to determine the muon capture probabilities for the elemental components from muonic X-ray spectra. Nondestructive elemental analysis of an ancient Chinese coin was also performed.



- Accesses




Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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