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Report No.

Development of a soft X-ray diffractometer for a wideband multilayer grating with a novel layer structure in the 2-4 keV range

Imazono, Takashi; Koike, Masato; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Hasegawa, Noboru; Koeda, Masaru*; Nagano, Tetsuya*; Sasai, Hiroyuki*; Oue, Yuki*; Yonezawa, Zeno*; Kuramoto, Satoshi*; Terauchi, Masami*; Takahashi, Hideyuki*; Handa, Nobuo*; Murano, Takanori*

We have developed a compact wavelength-dispersive soft X-ray emission (SXE) spectrometer for TEM's. SXE spectroscopy combined with transmission electron microscopy (TEM-SXES) should be a hopeful method to reveal physical properties and electronic structures of identified small specimen areas of various compounds. It is necessary to develop a new SXES instrument that works in an energy range of 2-4 keV, in which it is of importance to simultaneously detect and analyze SXE spectra for materials science and industry. For this purpose, we have invented a novel layer structure that enables to uniformly enhance the reflectivity in a few keV energy range at a fixed angle of incidence. The multilayer structure that consisted of W and B$$_4$$C was fabricated on the surface of a newly designed holographic laminar-type varied-line-spacing master grating (MLG). Its performance test was carried out at BL-11B, Photon Factory, KEK. As a result, it was revealed that the new MLG was effective to uniformly enhance the diffraction efficiency and worked practically in this energy region.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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