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Report No.

Improvement of the Soft X-ray Polarimeter and Ellipsometer (SXPE) for complete polarization analysis

Imazono, Takashi; Sano, Kazuo*; Koike, Masato

In our previous study, a dedicated apparatus for complete polarization analysis (Soft X-Ray Polarimeter and Ellipsometer: SXPE) had been developed. It was installed at BL-11, SR Center, Ritsumeikan University. It was successful that the linear polarization degrees of the beamline in the wavelength range of 12.5-14.8 nm were determined quantitatively along with the evaluation of the polarization characteristics of Mo/Si multilayers used as the polarizers. Unfortunately, there were some problems on the SXPE denoted as follows: the difficulty of the alignment; anxiety of the shortage of torque of rotational stages comparing with the imposed massive load; limitation of the size of a polarizing element up to 15 $$times$$ 15 $$times$$ 5t mm$$^3$$. To solve these issues, the SXPE was thoroughly improved, and then a re-evaluation of the linear polarization degree at a wavelength of 13.9 nm was performed by using the improved SXPE equipped with newly fabricated Mo/Si multilayer polarizers. The result was good agreement with the theoretical value, as well as the previous result.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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