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Induction of DNA DSB and its rejoining in clamped and non-clamped tumours after exposure to carbon ion beams in comparison to X-rays


平山 亮一*; 鵜沢 玲子*; 松本 孔貴*; 野口 実穂; 加瀬 優紀*; 高瀬 信宏*; 伊藤 敦*; 小池 幸子*; 安藤 興一*; 岡安 隆一*; 古澤 佳也*

Hirayama, Ryoichi*; Uzawa, Akiko*; Matsumoto, Yoshitaka*; Noguchi, Miho; Kase, Yuki*; Takase, Nobuhiro*; Ito, Atsushi*; Koike, Sachiko*; Ando, Koichi*; Okayasu, Ryuichi*; Furusawa, Yoshiya*

マウスの足に移植した腫瘍の上部をクランプした、又はクランプしない状態で80keV/$$mu$$mの炭素線、及びX線を照射したときのDSBの誘導、及び再結合について調べた。腫瘍のDSB生成量は定電圧電気泳動法により測定した。X線照射後のDSBのOERは1.68$$pm$$0.31で、この値は照射1時間後での変化は見られなかった(1.40$$pm$$0.26)。In situにおいて、酸素存在下でのこれらの損傷は1時間で60から70%が再結合した。炭素線とX線照射下において、DSBの誘発及び再結合の割合に違いは見られなかった。ゆえに、炭素線照射後のOER値及び再結合率はX線照射後と同じであり、炭素線のRBEは酸素存在下で1に近い値となった。In vivoにおけるDSBの収量は照射線量、酸素の状況、再結合時間に依存し、放射線の種類には依存しないと考えられる。

We studied double-strand breaks (DSB) induction and rejoining in clamped and non-clamped transplanted tumours in mice leg after exposure to 80 keV/$$mu$$m carbon ions and X-rays. The yields of DSB in the tumours were analysed by a static-field gel electrophoresis. The OER of DSB after X-rays was 1.68, and this value was not changed after 1 h rejoining time (1.40). These damages in oxygenated conditions were rejoined 60-70% within 1 h in situ. No difference was found between the exposure to X-rays and carbon ions for the induction and rejoining of DSB. Thus, the values of OER and rejoined fraction after exposure to carbon ions were similar to those after X-rays, and the calculated relative biological effectivenesses of carbon ion were around 1 under both oxygen conditions. The yields of DSB in vivo depend on exposure doses, oxygen conditions and rejoining time, but not on the types of radiation quality.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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