※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Proposal for the decontamination method of the radioactive substances by the chemical reaction, 2

江間 晃 ; 門 一実; 鈴木 和彦*

Ema, Akira; Kado, Kazumi; Suzuki, Kazuhiko*


In the nuclear industry, when the nuclear facilities are dismantled, the decontamination work of the radioactive substances is carried out. The selection of the decontamination method is a big problem because the enlargement of decontamination plant and increases of disposal cost is caused. In this study, we propose the new decontamination method of the uranium compounds by IF$$_{7}$$ gas. In this presentation, we show the full-scale exam result and so on by using the actual uranium enrichment plant.



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