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Isothermal temperature coefficient evaluation for the Monju restart core


毛利 哲也 ; 丸山 修平   ; 羽様 平 ; 鈴木 隆之 

Mori, Tetsuya; Maruyama, Shuhei; Hazama, Taira; Suzuki, Takayuki


The present paper describes the evaluation of the isothermal temperature coefficient data obtained in the Monju restart core. As in the preceding evaluations on the criticality and the control rod worth, the best-estimate value and its uncertainty are evaluated as accurately as possible. Data obtained in the previous test is evaluated in the same level of detail. The measured data shows that the fuel composition change from the previous test decreases the magnitude of the temperature coefficient by $$sim$$8%. Through a sensitivity analysis, it is confirmed that the decrease is mainly brought by the composition of $$^{241}$$Pu and $$^{241}$$Am. The best accuracy within the experimental uncertainty of 2% is attained for the previous core by a calculation with JENDL-4.0. Results for the restart core show inconsistent behavior and require a further investigation.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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