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Report No.

Spinmotive force due to intrinsic energy of ferromagnetic nanowires

Yamane, Yuta; Ieda, Junichi   ; Oe, Junichiro*; Barnes, S. E.*; Maekawa, Sadamichi

We study, both analytically and numerically, a spinmotive force arising from inherent magnetic energy of a domain wall in a wedged ferromagnetic nanowire. In a spatially-nonuniform nanowire, domain walls are subjected to an effective magnetic field, resulting in spontaneous motion of the walls. The spinmotive force mechanism converts the ferromagnetic exchange and demagnetizing energy of the nanowire into the electrical energy of the conduction electrons through the domain wall motion. The calculations show that this spinmotive force can be several microvolts, which is easily detectable by experiments.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Applied



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