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Waste management strategy focused on maintenance, storage and recycling


染谷 洋二; 飛田 健次; 宇藤 裕康; 朝倉 伸幸

Someya, Yoji; Tobita, Kenji; Uto, Hiroyasu; Asakura, Nobuyuki


Waste management needs to include how to handle the waste in maintenance and how to manage the waste in the hot cell and the interim storage facility as well as the classification, processing for recycling or reuse and disposal. This paper highlights the waste management in the maintenance, interim storage and recycling of blanket and divertor. In a fusion reactor, maintenance equipments must be tolerant in severe radiation environment. In addition, the waste conditions may require a relatively small port size or a shielding plate for used blanket and divertor for radiation safety during maintenance. Furthermore, the blanket and divertor need to be actively cooled during maintenance and several year storage. The decay heat makes the handling of the waste difficult but, on the other hand, the heat may be utilized to keep the waste temperature high enough to facilitate detriation.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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