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Condition of MeV electron bunch generated from Argon gas-jet target in the self-modulated laser wakefield regime


森 道昭; 神門 正城; 小瀧 秀行; 林 由紀雄; Bulanov, S. V.; Koga, J. K.; 近藤 公伯; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 西村 博明*; 永島 圭介

Mori, Michiaki; Kando, Masaki; Kotaki, Hideyuki; Hayashi, Yukio; Bulanov, S. V.; Koga, J. K.; Kondo, Kiminori; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Nishimura, Hiroaki*; Nagashima, Keisuke


The effects of plasma density and laser power on the energetic electron bunch generation in an Argon (high-Z) gas-jet target in the self modulated laser wakefield acceleration regime were investigated. A vector potential threshold for electron injection was obtained $$a_{rm th}$$ $$sim$$ 2.8 through a simple analytical model include two-dimensional laser pulse compression by relativistic self-focusing, and it is similar to that after accounting for three-dimensional laser pulse compression in the standard Laser Wakefield acceleration regime.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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