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Verification of FEMAXI-7 code by using irradiation test in Halden reactor for He-pressurization effect on FGR of BWR fuels under power transient


塙 悟史 ; 扇柳 仁 ; 鈴木 元衛

Hanawa, Satoshi; Ogiyanagi, Jin; Suzuki, Motoe


He pressurization effect on fission gas release (FGR) of BWR fuel rods under power transient conditions was analyzed by the fuel performance code FEMAXI-7. The experimental data provided to this study was obtained in the Halden reactor. Two rods were irradiated in the Halden reactor for 12 years in the IFA-409 as base-irradiation, then provided to the IFA-535 for power ramp tests to understand He-pressurization effect on fission gas release under power transient conditions, by adjusting internal pressure of the rods before power ramp test. FEMAXI-7 reasonably reproduced the experimental data of cladding elongation change and FGR behavior during the power ramp test. Based on the calculation results, the cause that apparent He-pressurization effect was not observed in the experiment was considered to be caused by insufficient gas communication during strong PCMI and gap thermal conductance by the solid-solid contact due to gap closure.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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