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JT-60SA vacuum vessel manufacturing and assembly


正木 圭; 芝間 祐介; 櫻井 真治; 柴沼 清; 逆井 章

Masaki, Kei; Shibama, Yusuke; Sakurai, Shinji; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Sakasai, Akira


The JT-60SA vacuum vessel (VV) has a D-shaped poloidal cross section and a toroidal configuration with 10$$^{circ}$$ segmented facets. A double wall structure is adopted to ensure high rigidity at operational load and high toroidal one-turn resistance. The material is 316L stainless steel with low cobalt content ($$<$$ 0.05wt%). In the double wall, boric-acid water (max. 50$$^{circ}$$C) is circulated at plasma operation to reduce the nuclear heating of the superconducting magnets. For baking, nitrogen gas (200$$^{circ}$$C) is circulated in the double wall after draining of the boric-acid water. The manufacturing of the VV started in November 2009 after a fundamental welding R&D and a trial manufacturing of 20$$^{circ}$$ upper half mock-up. A basic VV assembly scenario and procedure were studied to complete the 360$$^{circ}$$ VV including positioning method and joint welding between sectors considering misalignment.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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