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Heavy metal inventory and fuel sustainability of recycling TRU in FBR design


Permana, S.; 鈴木 美寿; Zaki, S.*

Permana, S.; Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Zaki, S.*


Nuclear fuel materials from spent fuel of light water reactors have a potential to be used for destructive devices with very huge energy release or in the same time, it can be utilized as a peaceful energy or civil applications, for generating electricity, desalination of water, medical application and others applications. Several research activities showed some recycled spent fuel can be used as additional fuel loading for increasing fuel breeding capability as well as improving intrinsic aspect of nuclear non-proliferation. The present investigation intends to evaluate the composition of heavy metals inventories and fuel breeding capability in the FBR design based on the loaded fuel of light water reactor (LWR) spent fuel (SF) based on the LWR SF composition of 33 GWd/t with 5 years cooling time by adopting depletion code of ORIGEN.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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