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Report No.

Establishment of reassembly technique of capsule type irradiation rig

Ichikawa, Shoichi; Abe, Kazuyuki; Haga, Hiroyuki; Kajima, Hisashi*; Sakurai, Satoshi*; Katsuyama, Kozo ; Maeda, Koji  ; Nishinoiri, Kenji

The assembly technique to the capsular irradiation rig newly developed was established. In the irradiation examination, the assembling disassembling and reassembling to PFB110 "B11(1), B11(2)" and PFB140 "B14" that built in Am-MOX fuel pin was achieved. The reassembly technique by recycling the irradiation material was established in the assembly of B11(2). This time, the assembly and disassembly of B11 (1) were reported. Moreover, the assembly of B14 which improved the assembly technology of B11 (1) was reported.



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