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 年 ~ 

Momentum transport studies from multi-machine comparisons


吉田 麻衣子; Kaye, S.*; Rice, J.*; Solomon, W.*; Tala, T.*; Bell, R. E.*; Burrell, K. H.*; Ferreira, J.*; 鎌田 裕; McDonald, D. C.*; Mantica, P.*; Podpaly, Y.*; Reinke, M. L.*; 坂本 宜照; Salmi, A.*; ITPA "Transport and Confinement" Group*

Yoshida, Maiko; Kaye, S.*; Rice, J.*; Solomon, W.*; Tala, T.*; Bell, R. E.*; Burrell, K. H.*; Ferreira, J.*; Kamada, Yutaka; McDonald, D. C.*; Mantica, P.*; Podpaly, Y.*; Reinke, M. L.*; Sakamoto, Yoshiteru; Salmi, A.*; ITPA "Transport and Confinement" Group*


The purpose of this study is to find a common feature on momentum transport coefficients including diffusive and non-diffusive terms in all machines. The momentum database enables us to assess a parametric dependency of momentum transport in a wider range of dimensionless parameters related to transport. Such observation will contribute to make a scaling/modeling on momentum transport for future devices like ITER and DEMO. On the other hand, the investigation of a difference in observation by comparing the experimental conditions will give a useful information to realize what plasma parameter is the key for the momentum transport coefficients.



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分野:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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