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IFMIF/EVEDA; Adjustment of scope and recent technical achievements

IFMIF/EVEDA; 範囲の調整と最近の技術上の成果

Garin, P.*; 杉本 昌義; IFMIF/EVEDA Integrated Project Team

Garin, P.*; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; IFMIF/EVEDA Integrated Project Team


IFMIF aims at generating material database for DEMO and future power plants, and Engineering Design and Engineering Validation Activities have been conducted since mid 2007 under the Broader Approach Agreement. So far the main efforts were focused on the validation work to provide information for the engineering design of IFMIF. In December 2010, new scope of the project was accepted to prioritize the validation of accelerator prototype and to extend the duration of its validation test up to mid 2017, while the other activities shall be completed in mid 2013 as the primary plan. The goal of engineering design has been modified to prepare the Intermediate design report. However, a big earthquake in Japan caused to shift project schedule, especially lithium test loop completed in early 2011. Nevertheless major components development has been continued, e.g. first operation of ion injector has been conducted. This article summarizes status of all activities and future plan of the project.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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