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Report No.

Neutron-capture cross-sections of $$^{244}$$Cm and $$^{246}$$Cm measured with an array of large germanium detectors in the ANNRI at J-PARC/MLF

Kimura, Atsushi   ; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Fukutani, Satoshi*; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi  ; Goko, Shinji*; Hara, Kaoru; Harada, Hideo   ; Hirose, Kentaro  ; Hori, Junichi*; Igashira, Masayuki*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Katabuchi, Tatsuya*; Kin, Tadahiro; Kino, Koichi*; Kitatani, Fumito  ; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; Koizumi, Mitsuo ; Mizumoto, Motoharu*; Nakamura, Shoji  ; Ota, Masayuki; Oshima, Masumi; Takamiya, Koichi*; Toh, Yosuke   

The neutron-capture cross sections of $$^{244}$$Cm and $$^{246}$$Cm were measured in the energy range of 1-300 eV with an array of large germanium detectors in the ANNRI at J-PARC/MLF. The resonances at around 7.7 and 16.8 eV of $$^{244}$$Cm and 4.3 and 15.3 eV of $$^{246}$$Cm were observed in capture reactions for the first time. The uncertainties of the obtained cross sections are 5.8% at the top of the first resonance of $$^{244}$$Cm and 6.6% at that of $$^{246}$$Cm. Resonance analyses were performed for low-energy ones using the code SAMMY. The prompt $$gamma$$-ray spectra of $$^{244}$$Cm and $$^{246}$$Cm were also obtained. Eight and five new prompt $$gamma$$-rays emitted were observed in the $$^{244}$$Cm(n,$$gamma$$) and $$^{246}$$Cm(n,$$gamma$$) reactions, respectively.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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