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Report No.

Development for advanced solution monitoring and measurement system (ASMS)

Mukai, Yasunobu ; Nakamura, Hironobu ; Yoshimoto, Katsunobu; Tamura, Takayuki*; Iwamoto, Tomonori*

JNFL and JAEA are collaboratively developing an advanced solution monitoring and measurement system (ASMS) that is direct Pu measurement NDA system in the solution tank containing plutonium nitrate solution for the improvement of current safeguards subjects to be solved, and for next generation safeguards instrument. The target measurement uncertainty of ASMS is set less than 6% that is equivalent to detection level of partial defect at interim inventory verification by NDA. The ASMS detector was designed based on MCNPX calculation, and then manufactured. As an actual test, the detector was set in a process tank at Plutonium Conversion Development Facility, the calibration tests (known-alpha) for quantitative measurement was conducted. As a result, the total measurement uncertainty for Pu mass is about 3.4% except for the low liquid height region that is satisfied the target value. In addition, the monitoring capability of ASMS was confirmed.



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