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Report No.

Verification of high-energy transport codes on the basis of activation data

Titarenko, Yu. E.*; Batyaev, V. F.*; Butko, M. A.*; Dikarev, D. V.*; Florya, S. N.*; Pavlov, K. V.*; Titarenko, A. Yu.*; Tikhonov, R. S.*; Zhivun, V. M.*; Ignatyuk, A. V.*; Mashnik, S. G.*; Boudard, A.*; Leray, S.*; David, J.-C.*; Cugnon, J.*; Mancusi, D.*; Yariv, Y.*; Kumawat, H.*; Nishihara, Kenji  ; Matsuda, Norihiro  ; Mank, G.*; Gudowski, W.*

Nuclide production cross sections measured at the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) for the targets of $$^{rm nat}$$Cr, $$^{56}$$Fe, $$^{rm nat}$$Ni, $$^{93}$$Nb, $$^{181}$$Ta, $$^{rm nat}$$W, $$^{rm nat}$$Pb, and $$^{209}$$Bi irradiated by protons with energies from 40 to 2600 MeV were used to estimate the predictive accuracy of several popular high-energy transport codes. A general agreement of the ITEP data with the data obtained by other groups, including the numerous GSI data measured by the inverse kinematics method was found. Simulations of the measured data were performed with a number of codes. Deviation factors between the calculated and experimental cross sections have been estimated for each target and for the whole energy range covered by our measurements. Further improvements of all tested here codes are recommended. In addition, new measurements at ITEP of nuclide yields from the $$^{208}$$Pb target irradiated by 500-MeV protons are presented.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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