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Report No.

Study on evaluation of project management data for decommissioning of uranium refining and conversion plant

Usui, Hideo; Izumo, Sari ; Shibahara, Yuji; Morimoto, Yasuyuki; Tokuyasu, Takashi; Takahashi, Nobuo; Tanaka, Yoshio ; Sugitsue, Noritake; Tachibana, Mitsuo

Dismantling of dry conversion facility in the uranium refining and conversion plant at Ningyo-toge began in 2008. During dismantling activities, project management data have been collected. Establishment of the calculation formula for dismantling of each kind of equipment makes it possible to evaluate manpower for dismantling the whole facility. However, it is not easy to prepare calculation formula for all kinds of equipment in the facility. Therefore, a simpler evaluation method was considered to calculate manpower based on facility characteristics. The results showed promise for evaluating dismantling manpower with respect to each chemical process. To create an effective dismantling plan, it is necessary to carefully consider use of a GH preliminarily. Thus, an evaluation method of project management data such as manpower and secondary waste generation was considered. The results showed promise for evaluating project management data of GH by using established calculation formula.



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