※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

超臨界流体を用いた全アクチニド一括分離システムの開発,16; 総合評価

Development of actinides co-extraction system with direct extraction process using supercritical fluid, 16; Integrated evaluation

紙谷 正仁 ; 鍛治 直也; 小山 智造; 青木 和夫*; 山田 誠也*

Kamiya, Masayoshi; Kaji, Naoya; Koyama, Tomozo; Aoki, Kazuo*; Yamada, Seiya*


Main process of actinides co-extraction system with direct extraction process using supercritical fluid was designed. The improvement effect of the cost performance was small because multiple lines were needed about main process. But we got the evaluation result that it is possible to reduce substantially about waste liquid treatment. Based on the result, the improvement which uses supercritical fluid for partitioning was gathered.



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