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Report No.

$$^{230}$$Th and $$^{232}$$Th distributions in mid-latitudes of the North Pacific Ocean; Effect of bottom scavenging

Okubo, Ayako; Obata, Hajime*; Gamo, Toshitaka*; Yamada, Masatoshi*

Vertical distributions of total $$^{230}$$Th and dissolved $$^{232}$$Th were determined in the mid-latitudes of the North Pacific Ocean. Th in the Pacific Ocean have been described well using the reversible-scavenging model. However, we observed the depletion of total Th. The enhanced vertical eddy diffusion derived from the complex topography of the western Pacific Ocean might promote bottom scavenging and transport of the low Th in deep water to the upper layers.



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Category:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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