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Report No.

Evaluation of retention and excretion function to members of the public for chronic intake of radionuclides

Hato, Shinji*; Kinase, Sakae   ; Kimura, Masanori 

After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, the daily diet is of concern to expose internally through foodstuffs. To dispel the concern, it is important to measure the radiation in the bodies and to estimate internal doses. The radiation in the bodies of the Fukushima residents is measured by using whole body counting scanners. Predicted values of measured quantities (whole-body content and daily urinary excretion) are given as retention and excretion functions of time following a single intake in the ICRP's Publ.78. However, since the evaluation for internal doses due to chronic intake is required, these retention and excretion functions cannot apply. We developed the DSYS-Chronic code that can evaluate retention and excretion functions following a continuous inhalation or ingestion. The present study evaluates retention and excretion to members of the public for chronic intake using the DSYS-Chronic and examines the impact.



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