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Detecting distribution pattern of latent hydrothermally altered zones by geobotanic remote sensing

小池 克明*; 内山 恭輔*; 小出 馨

Koike, Katsuaki*; Uchiyama, Kyosuke*; Koide, Kaoru

熱水変質帯は、大雨によって地すべり等の地質災害を引き起こすとともに、金等の金属鉱床の成因とも関連しているため、防災や資源探査においてその分布形態の把握は重要である。本研究では、熱水変質帯に起因する土壌の化学的性質や土壌水分量の差異によって生じる植生異常部を抽出するため、植生の水ストレスに感度が高い可視域の緑色及び中間赤外域を用いた新規の植生指標VIGSを開発した。本植生指標の有効性を確認するため、LANDSAT TMデータを用いて地すべり地帯(八幡平)及び金鉱床地帯(菱刈鉱山)において、植生異常部の抽出を試みた。その結果、地すべり地形や金鉱化帯に関連する熱水変質帯に対応する植生異常地点の分布を捉えることができ、本植生指標の有効性を検証できた。

Hydrothermally-altered zones frequently collapse in intense rain and are intimately related to genesis of heavy metal mineralization. Therefore it is very important to investigate their distributions from the viewpoints of disaster prevention and mineral resource exploration. This study developed a new vegetation index (VIGS) for detecting abnormalities of vegetation induced by differences in soil chemistry and soil moisture related to hydrothermally-altered zones. The VIGS includes the green and mid-infrared bands, which are highly sensitive to vegetation water stress. To validate its availability, this VI was applied in a landslide prone area (Hachimantai) and a gold deposit area (Hishikari Mine) using Landsat TM data. As a result, it was found that the VIGS is very useful to detect abnormalities of vegetation related with hydrothermally-altered zones because abnormalities of vegetation coincide with landslides and hydrothermally-altered zones associated with gold mineralization.



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