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Report No.

A New unfolding code combined maximum entropy and maximum likelihood for neutron spectrum measurement

Maeda, Shigetaka   ; Iguchi, Tetsuo*

We present a new spectrum unfolding code, the Maximum Entropy and Maximum Likelihood Unfolding Code (MEALU), based on the maximum likelihood method combined with the maximum entropy method, which can determine a neutron spectrum without requiring an initial guess spectrum. The Normal or Poisson distributions can be used for the statistical distribution. MEALU can treat full covariance data for a measured detector response and response function. The algorithm was verified through an analysis of mock-up data and its performance was checked by applying it to measured data. The results for measured data from the experimental fast reactor Joyo also were compared with those obtained by the conventional J-log method for neutron spectrum adjustment. It was found that MEALU has potential advantages over conventional methods with regard to preparation of a priori information and error estimation.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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